

right now it's raining outside, the pitter patter is a rhythmic pattern on our glass windows. 

i'm waiting for winter to start, the christmas music constantly playing in our house, always keeping us in the spirit of christmas. i can't wait for the snow, the horse drawn carraiges, the nutcrackers outside of every store. 


i'm sad to see all the bright oranges of fall go away for the white of christmas; the leaves falling off and hitting my window. 

i can't wait for christmas, because we're going to stay with our cousins, and they have a pretty legit hill out in the back of their house, called sunshine mountain. and they have a creek, which me and my cousin ceci make into an amusement park for the pieces of tree bark.

i'm currently taking more pictures, posting more, and i find that it helps my creativity; finding new pictures to take, interpreting the art of photography in my own way.

i'm obsessed with bokeh right now, making my lens as blurry as it can go, and finding the little circles, that remind me of snowflakes, just sitting there, or flying down to the ground.

 my nana just gave me a vintage dictionary, and i love it. the old pages, the way it's falling apart, old maps, and it's perfect for photography.


what are you currently rambling about?


p.s…only 3 more days to enter in this giveaway!

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  1. Oh my goodness, I'm obsessed with bokeh too! I just can't get enough of it! :) And the vintage dictionary is too awesome. :) Lovely photos!

  2. i want that vintage dictionary. i'm all about dictionaries. seriously. also, i love that first photo! :))
    -jocee <3

  3. beautiful blog. All of these pictures are gorgeous! Following. :))


  4. My goodness. Those last two pictures? Simply breath taking. Love!!!

  5. hayley- thanks! i'm so in love with my vintage dictionary :)
    jocee-thanks! i've actually had that first photo for a long time, but have been wondering how to incorporate it into a post.
    cindy-thanks! i'm so glad you're following!
    kimberly-thanks for commenting! thanks for those uplifting words about my pictures...it made my day!



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writer // lover // photographer // christian // coffee-drinker // animal lover // young girl // learner // friend // sister // daughter

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