
friday photo fun v11

i'm gonna jump right into it this time instead of stalling and getting you all confused, right? it's a win-win.

this week's judge was lauren (posted in sevaral posts, such as the last one) and she is a great judge, if ya don't mind my saying so...

this is the one she picked for this week's winner.
and the person who took this picture was my mom, and from her, i got that it was SOOC. so she should be proud. go mom!

(oh, and i just made this winner button, so if you've ever won any of the photo contests recently, or any at all, take this winner button...go on, it's free. but make sure that you only take it if you've WON a photo contest.)

and this week's theme is.....


and i'm going to re-use a picture...recycling, right?

and this is the one that i think is the most beautiful

so again, the rules are... (and yes, i broke rule number one, but i'm the author right?)

1.) please don't use a picture from your archives, the point of the photo contest is to get you out and about taking pictures...
2.) please comment on 3 of the entries, and don't copy/paste please. i've had people do that and i wasn't sure if they actually liked the picture or just didn't want to be disqualified
3.) make sure you link up to this blog (the friday photo fun button is on the side bar) and make sure when you are actually putting your link in the linky, link to the actual post rather than your blog. then, i don't have to search through all your archives, k? :)
4.) link only one photo please. then, it isn't fair to the other participants, because then you have an advantage at winning...(but it isn't all about winning is it children? nah, i'm just kidding. about the children part. anywho, just go out and have some fun :))
5.) make sure you HAVE FUN!
(actually, here is my button just to make it easier on ya.)

ready, set, link up!

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  1. Oops I forgot to specify which photo! For "Live, Love, Travel" I'm entering the second to last photo, the one with her arms over her head. I think that fits for "beautiful!" :)

  2. I keep trying to grab your button, but it just won't show up in my post. :( I hope it's OK if I just copy the photo of the button and put that in. (If that made any sense...)


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writer // lover // photographer // christian // coffee-drinker // animal lover // young girl // learner // friend // sister // daughter

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